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Image by Lukas Blazek

Wabi Blog

Links to my favorite third trimester workouts

Pregnant warriors and curious readers, here is a list of my favorite third trimester pregnancy workouts!

After my body officially let me know I was in the third trimester and had to stop chasing down drop shots at tennis drills, I embraced lower impact workouts, or as one of my sister-in-law’s calls them, low key fitness!

Here are some of my favorites:


For waking up: SaraBethYoga shares a 20 minute Prenatal Yoga morning routing to help wake up, reduce aches, and increase flexibility.

For getting spiritual: My favorite part of this 28-minute Lara Dutta routine is the accent. Just kidding. But I do like the film’s objective to help mothers to tune into their pregnancy to create a healthy bod and a positive, relaxed mind.

For building strength: I love this 34-minute Strength & Stability Pregnancy Yoga routine from Tammy across the pond at Tonic.

For classes tailored to your specific week of pregnancy: Part of me just loves seeing the various background locations where Harlow’s Earth weekly prenatal yoga classes are filmed.


I don’t have links to YouTube walking videos. I do have links to some of my favorite Podcasts.

Strength Building

With yoga that included bodyweight squats and walking, I made it a couple of weeks without touching dumbbells. Then I started to feel restless and craved a strength workout with weights. Even if it was not at the Coach Kimmy pace I am used to, I needed to pump some iron!

Third Trimester Prenatal Dumbbell Strength Workout: In this 28-minute BodyFitbyAmy video, she wins me over by 1) incorporating my favorite, deadlifts, and 2) acknowledges that her swollen ankles look “funny” but that some swelling is good as our bodies need fluid for a healthy delivery. She is much nicer on herself than I am, an inspiration!

30 Minute Dumbbell Strength Workout: This total body strength workout has a couple bursts of cardio. You may need to modify some of it, especially if your OB recently measured your baby’s fundal height and remarked, “oh! big baby!” When her daughter “pops in” it just makes mom Nancy Taylor 100% authentic and loveable and makes me wonder if someday in the near future I will also be comforting my child, saying “I’ll just use you as my dumbbell” all while still smiling and not missing a lunge.


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